Wednesday 12 November 2014

HGSC Statement Regarding Impaired Process at the GSA


In light of the allegations against President Vlahu and general turmoil and dysfunction within the Graduate Students Association (GSA), the History Graduate Student's Committee (HGSC) would like to make a statement:

The conduct of the GSA and its executive reflects poorly upon all graduate students at the University. The current state of the GSA as a representative body is deplorable. While accusations from those students seeking impeachment have been perceived by outside parties as indicating that a "leadership crisis" exists, we propose that this state of affairs actually constitutes a more general "GSA crisis." The current deadlock demonstrates the failure of the GSA to function as intended.

We call on all GSA course councillors to return to decorum and allow the business of student government to continue unobstructed. We seek not to end debate or even disagreement, but desire that our governance process operates in an environment where all councillors feel able to voice without fear the interests of the students they represent. The current mean-spirited discourse mars not only those directly involved, it casts all graduate students in a petty and irresponsible light.

We call on both the "Students for Accountability" and the GSA executive to present detailed evidence to support their respective positions without resorting to inflammatory language and defamations of the opposing viewpoint. Until adequate information to the contrary is provided, we continue to support the current democratically elected president and executive.

We call on all students to recognize that the current GSA Constitution and Policies does not specify the manner in which executive meetings must be recorded and that previous executives have operated with far more autonomy, financial mismanagement, and shoddy record keeping — without complaint. It is in the interests of all students for the GSA to govern within the parameters of the current Constitution and Policies, while the Policy Review Committee completes its work.

The HGSC anticipates a time when reason will prevail and it may be possible to represent the interests of our history colleagues in a student government free of petty politics and personal attacks.

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